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Wyniki konkursu na stanowisko na stanowisko adiunkta w grupie pracowników badawczych w ramach projektu Przedsiębiorczość uchodźcza i społeczno-ekonomiczna adaptacja: studium przypadku Ukraińców w aglomeracji krakowskiej (DEC-2022/45/B/HS5/02952)

Na podstawie przesłanych dokumentów oraz wyników rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej komisja rekrutacyjna w składzie: dr hab. Jan Brzozowski, Prof. UJ (przewodniczący), Prof. dr hab. Dorota Praszałowicz, dr hab. Dariusz Niedźwiedzki, Prof. UJ, jednogłośnie rekomenduje zatrudnienie Pani Dr Hanny Smaliichuk na stanowisku adiunkta (post-doc).

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Information on selection procedure for the research position of assistant professor at Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Rector of the Jagiellonian University announces a selection procedure for the research position of an assistant professor within the project: Refugee entrepreneurship and socio-economic adaptation: the case of Ukrainians in Kraków agglomeration at Jagiellonian Centre for Migration Studies

Details of the announcement:



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Ogłoszenie wyników konkursu na stanowisko doktoranta

Ogłoszenie wyników konkursu na stanowisko doktoranta/tki- lub stypendysty/tki w projekcie naukowym „Przedsiębiorczość uchodźcza i społeczno-ekonomiczna adaptacja: studium przypadku Ukraińców w aglomeracji krakowskiej” (DEC-2022/45/B/HS5/02952) realizowanego w Jagiellońskim Centrum Studiów Migracyjnych UJ

Po rozpatrzeniu nadesłanych przez kandydatów dokumentów oraz zgodnie z Regulaminem przyznawania stypendiów w projektach finansowanych ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki komisja stypendialna przydzieliła punkty w następujący sposób:

  1. Mgr Inna Voznyuk – 1.5 pkt
  2. Mgr Rusana Lionchuk –1.2 pkt

Tym samym komisja stypendialna zdecydowała o zaakceptowaniu kandydatury Pani mgr Inny Voznyuk.

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A scholarship for a PhD student

Name of the institution: Jagiellonian Center for Migration Studies, Jagiellonian University (Cracow)

Position: PhD student/student


  • completed master's diploma in social sciences in the field of migration or related studies (economics, sociology, demography, international migration, cultural studies, ethnology and cultural anthropology, etc.);
  • documented experience in research projects related to international migration, with particular emphasis on the adaptation and integration of foreigners in Poland;
  • at least basic knowledge of the English language, enabling communication in this language and translating interviews from Ukrainian or Russian into English (at least B1 level);
  • advanced knowledge of Ukrainian and Russian languages, enabling free interviews with respondents - citizens of Ukraine residing in Poland (at least at C1 level);
  • a recommendation letter written by a researcher (with a doctoral degree or higher) confirming the Candidate's predispositions for scientific work.


Description of tasks:

The PhD student will perform research tasks as part of the OPUS project entitled "Refugee entrepreneurship and socio-economic adaptation: the case of Ukrainians in Kraków agglomeration", led by dr. hab. Jan Brzozowski. The PhD student's tasks will include:

  • Desk research;
  • Co-design of in-depth interviews scenario;
  • Conducting in-depth interviews with stakeholders and refugee entrepreneurs;
  • Transcription of interviews and translation into English, coding of responses in software for qualitative data analysis;
  • Writing reports and publications.

Type of NCN program: OPUS – HS

Deadline to submit application: 15th August 2023, 11:59 PM

Submission form: email ( + in the title of e-mail please write „Scholarship competition in research project  Refugee entrepreneurship and socio-economic adaptation”

Conditions of employment:

Duration of the scholarship: 36 months

Scholarship: PLN 5,000

The scholarship is awarded in accordance with the rules of granting scholarships in the regulations of research projects financed by the National Science Center (NCN), introduced by the Resolution of the NCN Council No. 25/2019 of March 14, 2019.

Start of the project: October 2023

Important: The condition for receiving a scholarship is the admission into the Doctoral School of Social Sciences of the Jagiellonian University in the academic year 2023/24. The project manager will then act as a doctoral dissertation supervisor. The doctoral student will be selected as part of a special competition procedure.

Complementary info & questions on competition – please conntact:


Required documents:

  • CV containing information on the course of education and employment, as well as a list of scientific and research achievements to date, including in particular: participation in research projects (with a detailed description of the tasks performed), experience with the analysis of qualitative data, scientific publications (including those accepted for print) and conference speeches – if applicable;
  • cover letter containing a short description of scientific interests and achievements;
  • a copy of the diploma or a certificate from the dean's office on graduation and defense of the master's thesis;
  • a declaration of consent to the processing of personal data;
  • eecommendation letter written by an employee conducting research in the field of migration studies, holding at least a PhD degree.

Submission of an incomplete application or an application containing significant shortcomings in relation to the requirements for its preparation specified in the announcement of the call for proposals results in its non-admission to evaluation and the qualification result on the ranking list equals 0 (zero) points.